Monday, 31 January 2011

Description of main characters in this novel

Bruno= He is a typical child, he is happy and curious, as the son of a German Nazi officer he has been raised wanting for nothing and well off. As he is still young when he meets Schmuel he doesn't understand the difference between them, he doesn't understand that the Jews were 'evil' in the eyes of the German's, and he doesn't understand the terrible conditions of the concentration camp. This innocence and equality between people is hugely important in the story.

Schmuel= He is a young Jewish boy who has to live life in the concentration camp. Even though he is treated terribly he is still a rather optimistic and friendly child. He knows that the Germans have taken him and he cannot leave the camp and he is still very accepting of Bruno. This also shows that in the eyes of a child we are all the same and share love for one another regardless of religion.

Bruno´s Mother= The Mother is a very caring character. She loves her children and only wants what is best for them. Although she is initially accepting of her husbands career, throughout the film she makes discoveries that alter her opinion on the war. She is also a rather innocent character and comes across as extremely naive concerning what happened in the concentration camps, but again this is representative of most of the German population, who were continuously lied to.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

What i read today?

Today I started reading the novel and I read that Bruno, a 12-year-old son of a senior officer during World War II, lived very happily with his family in a big house until one day he moved with his family  because his  Dad took over the concentration camps and thats make for Bruno to  left all his friends he had in Berlin, staying alone in his new home.

This part of the novel made me feel bad because Bruno was a very happy boy in Berlin playing with his friends and after they moved , Bruno does not have anyone to play in his new home and now he is alone and boring without adventures with his friends.

Friday, 14 January 2011

The boy in the striped pyjamas, A good novel

     This book interested me a lot because my book talks about how the Jews suffered by the Germans but most of all because in this story are two children, although different,are looking for a friendship between them